Friday, September 14, 2012

The City of Champions

     A three time winner of America's Promise Alliance's 100 Best Communities for Young People, the city of Brockton, is often overshadowed by problems that plague most urban areas. What is impressive about Brockton is the way the community and it's city leadership deals with the problems of violence, student drop-out rates, and the lack of positive, engaging activities for youth.
     Along with many public and private options for school, there are many organizations that work at engaging teens in their own community, such as the Mayor's Youth Council. The Mayor's Youth Council gives teens in Brockton a way to address issues they see in their community, through community service projects and the yearly Mayor's Youth Summit.
     This blog will highlight the various resources available for improving the community,  shed light on positive news in Brockton, and interview people who are working to improve the city.
Coming soon: An interview with Brockton Youth Council's Catherine Walper!


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