Friday, October 12, 2012

Brockton's Cultural Council

Brockton Cultural Council, is an organization that promotes and maintains the vitality of cultural activities within the Brockton community. The Council is committed to funding a diverse cross-section of activities.
They support a broad variety of art forms such as the ongoing work of individual artists and writers, environmental and historical education projects that bring together artists, and other types of organizations, local cultural groups and projects that serve youth, elders, low-income, and disabled individuals.

Upcoming Grant Application Deadline

October 15th, 2012

Grant applications for Brockton projects in the arts, humanities and interpretive sciences are now
being accepted by the Brockton Cultural Council, a local volunteer organization appointed by the Mayor to re-grant state funds, administered by the Massachusetts Cutltural Council, at the local level. Grant applications must be postmarked no later than October 15, 2012 for qualifying projects executed between September 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013.
Grants are distributed to projects in Brockton that promote access, education, diversity and excellence in the performing and visual arts; in the humanities, such as history, social studies, philosophy and literature and in the interpretive sciences, learning ways that nature, science and technology relate to our lives. Grants are also issued for ticket assistance for K-12 cultural school field trips (one field trip per school). Grantees may be qualified individuals or non-profit organizations or organizations with a non-profit purpose. Project collaboration between organizations and individuals is encouraged as are new projects.
Applications and both state and local council eligibility requirements can be found online at and Please mail the original and eight copies of the application form and supporting documentation to:
Brockton Cultural Council
P. O. Box 999
120 Commercial Street
Brockton, MA 02303
Inquiries/questions may be addressed via email to
Examples of past Brockton Cultural Council grantees include: Brockton Public Library Foundation's Museum Pass Program and children's programs, Brockton Historical Society Photograph Digitization Project, Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs Summer Concert Series, D. W. Field Park Association's Towerfest Family Day, M.I.T. Women's Initiative Be WISE Science and Engineering Middle School Outreach Program, Friends of the Council on Aging oil painting class, Brockton Symphony Orchestra's Free Family Concert, Jubilate Chorale's Winter Concert, G.B.S.P.A.'s monthly writing and poetry workshops, Living Independently for Equality's monthly music series for disabled adults, Fuller Craft Museum's SENSEation Family Day and many school field trips.
In addition, the Brockton Cultural Council contributed FY2012 grant funding to the Handel and Haydn Society's Collaborative Youth Concerts, now in its 25th year of community outreach to high school choral students.  WGBH TV highlighted Brockton High School students in its coverage of the anniversary event which culminated in a choral concert with orchestra accompaniment at Symphony Hall in Boston in March 2012.
Evidence of the impact an individual artist, Mary Beth Meehan, with grant funding can have is the "City of Champions" digital photography project that is now hanging on buildings in downtown Brockton. It received coverage in the Boston Globe and New York Times as well as winning photography contests. Her website has many links to the coverage this project received.
- Donna Eleyi
  BCC Treasurer

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