Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Massasoit Community College Theatre Co.

This Saturday October 27th the Massasoit Community College Theatre Co.
will be holding auditions for “Yes, Virginia: The Musical”at the Buckley Performing Arts Center at 1 Massasoit Blvd.

Actors of all ages are encouraged to audition at 3 p.m. and should bring 16 bars of sheet music to perform.

 In 1897 a young girl named Virginia O'Hanlon wrote a letter to the New York Sun asking if Santa Claus was real. The response that editor Francis Church wrote to young Virginia about the beauty of a child's imagination, affirming the existence of Santa Claus. The story was adapted into an animated television special in 1974 and into a holiday musical  in 1996.

Massasoit Community College Theatre Co. will be performing the musical from Thursday, December 20th-Sunday December 23rd. It will be directed by Nathan Fogg, with Musical Direction by Steve Shannon.

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